Ministry of Economy
Quota management system in accordance with the requirements of the European Union, connected to the central quota management system in Brussels – SIGL iSIGL2. Mixed technology: client – server and www (Web Services), Java, MSSQL.
Ministry of Labor and Social Policy
National Register of Employment Agencies. System development and maintenance.
Moti Sp. z o. o.
Programming of dedicated ordering system with integration of various sales channels, suppliers and shipping systems. (PrestaShop, Baselinker, Allegro, E-Bay)
Support in maintaining, updating and improving the PrestaShop sales system
Cooperation for designing and programming of an inland nautical navigation system.
- SA
Design and team management in the implementation of map software for servers of the WWW.ZUMI.PL portal. Map visualization, geocoding, routing, based on orthophotomaps and digital maps by Imagis.
Pizza Boy Management GmbH
Design and implementation of a central system for managing a restaurant chain. CRM, employee and process management. Acceptance and distribution of orders via the Internet. Marketing Support. billing system.
PTK Centertel (Orange Polska S.A.)
Participation in the implementation of the GIS application (based on the MapXtreme MapInfo server) Technology: Oracle 8i.